Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Before I die

Hey I'm back with another topic. Today I am writing about the 5 things I want to have happen before I die.
  1. Sky dive
  2. Have somebody that secretly loves me tell they love me
  3. Have someone that did something bad to me from long ago apologize
  4. Go to Ireland
  5. Swim with the sharks

Friday, April 24, 2009

Should we be able to talk on our cell phones while driving

I honestly think that it would be okay as long as you are paying attention to the road and being a safe driver you should be able to use it. Like if there was somewhere you need to be and you need to get directions I think that would be okay if you were still being a good driver. Maybe if the person was under 18 years old and had a blue tooth it would be a better idea then one that you have to hold. This is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Since today is Earth Day we were supposed to tell you about the ways my family is doing to save the Earth. My family and I are taking 1 hour and tuning off all the electric currents in our house. Even though there is more we could do this is a big sacrifice for my sisters.(I could care less.) This is also a big sacrifice for my dad and mom. I am also recycling the pop cans my family throws away. Another thing I do is ride my bike during the summer and spring or whenever it is supposed to be warm outside.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend F.U.N.

This weekend I went to a carnival for a school that my friend goes to. Then I went to get flowers after the big rain storm that lasted more than two days. The color of the flowers were white, red, and pink. I chose the white and red ones then my girly little sisters and mom had to get pink. It all worked out though because then my dad bought some blue ones for my mom so we planted them as well.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Favorite Movie

Today we were asked to write a post about our favorite movie and why we like it. So my favorite movie is Titanic because it is a timeless romantic about Rose, a rich woman that falls in love with Jack, a poor man that won the boat tickets by winning a game of poker. The problem is that Rose is engaged by an arranged marriage. Towards the end the boat runs into an ice berg and starts to sink but because Jack loves Rose he lets her use a door to lay on and he waits in the water. When the people finally find them Rose is alive, but when Rose tries to wake him up, he has died of hypothermia.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Websites

We were told to do a post about what most common websites we use. So here are mine.
-Yahoo (I use it to check my email, horoscope and latest news)
-Google (I use this when my mom and I need to be sure on something)
-Youtube (I use this website when I want to watch something funny)
-My blog ( I use this when my teacher tells me to write a post)
-Craigslist (I use this to look at what people are trying to sell)
-Wikipedia (To look up info. on something)


Today in blogging we are doing a post about our mom or dad and what we admire about them. I decided to talk about my dad and what I admire about him. First, I love that my dad takes me on fun camping trips and always is up for a new challenge, I wish I was like that. Second, he always goes after what he wants and never gives up. Third, I know that he will always be reliable and will never let me down. In conclusion, my dad is a fun and exciting person and I think that he is amazing.