Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break

So I haven't posted in a while but I am back and I am better than ever. Over spring break I stayed at my grandparents house with my aunt and we ended up losing power 3 days in a row because of the ongoing blizzard. I became bored around about Wednesday so I went to check cows with my grandpa. There were 2 brand new caves and we didn't want t lose the cute baby caves so we brought it into a barn nearby. It was my job to get out of the pick-up and grab the calf while my grandpa moved the momma away from her calf. Then we had to tag the calf. After we got the caves tagged and into the barn we fed the cows dark greenalfalfa. When we were done feeding the cows we went back to the caves and had to feed them also. When I was feeding them the tongues of the caves were licking me and it felt like I was being licked by sand paper. They were soooo cute!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love baby cows (that's what I used to call them when I was little). That's nice that you get to experience the farm.
