Thursday, June 11, 2009

Suckish summer

So ever since school was out I haven't posted anything so this is the first post since school was out. So my summer hasn't been the best it has actually been the worst summer that I have ever had. The weather hadn't even been that good. I need feedback so talk back. Give back to my blog so leave a comment.


Friday, May 22, 2009


Okay anybody that watches T.V. now knows about the Nuggets. The always famous Carmelo, Anthony and Chris Anderson, A.K.A Birdman were awesome last night and won by 3 points to thrilling game. Even I who hardly ever watches a basketball game is thrilled about them winning this game.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Looking Forward to this Summer

This summer I plan on going:

  • go to the mall

  • go to the pool (all summer long)

  • go to my friends house

  • finish a few books

  • go to another "friends" house

  • go to my grandparents house

  • go to my aunts house

  • babysit my 2 new cousins

  • visit Vagas and gamble (JUST KIDDING)

Favorite and least favorite time of the scool year


My favorite time in the school year was when my class went to the YMCA and stayed for a few days. We had so much fun. I was new, so I met lots of people that are now some of my best friends. We also got to go swimming which was the best part of the whole trip.


My least favorite thing was when my ex started calling me a desperate-burrito. That happened to be the worst day/rest of the year, of my life. He still even after about 6 months calls me that. He will never let it go. But it is kinda my fault because he was just calling me desperate in a Spanish accent but I thought he was calling me a desperate burrito so I shouted "STOP CALLING ME A DESPERATE BURRITO!!!!!!" that's when I realized that he wasn't calling a desperate BURRITO but just desperate. Now I regret thinking that he was calling me a burrito.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Love Game Part 1

Still today I wonder what would have happened if I would’ve told him how I felt sooner and before it happened. Yes, I am referring to the last thing you want to happen to the one you love. I regret it every day, but I think about the pain it could’ve have caused me if I told him I loved him. The pain I have to go through now is probably just as bad. The counselor talked me through it all my parents didn’t know I loved him. All they knew was that he was a kid in my class. I know I should have told him but I was scared, scared that he wouldn’t say he loved me back, but I guess it’s better to say what you need to than to regret not saying enough.

The day after the funeral I decided to go to school. I kept getting these looks from people that I didn’t even know. I kept thinking that I had said something to these people that upset them. That’s when I remembered that they were the ones that knew that I loved him. They day of the accident kept playing over and over again in my head until it broke me. I was torn because of what I was I didn’t do.

The next day we had this new kid in school. His name was Broatty. He was really cute; he had straight blond hair that flowed in the wind. He was nice too. He asked to sit with me at lunch of course I was not being myself and didn’t say anything. I was surprised at what was happening. Nobody had talked to me until right now. After relaxing we started talking; we had a lot in common, like the fact that we both lost the love of our lives. Even thought I lost somebody too I didn’t tell him. His girlfriends name was Gabby. When he talked about her his face lit up, and he started to cry quietly almost too where I didn’t know it.

I gave him my number after lunch and told him I knew how he felt. I also told him to call if he needed anything.

That night he called crying.

For the next week we sat together at lunch and in the classes that we had together. We had become close friends that told each other everything. After about a month of this I realized I was falling in love with him. Finally he asked me out. He said it was a friend to friend evening but I wanted it to be a date. I was finally falling in love for the second time but I didn’t want to let him in. I didn’t want to feel alone again. I was afraid to let him in because what if I let him in then he left or decided he didn’t love me anymore. I would feel alone in this big world for the second time if he left.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Before I die

Hey I'm back with another topic. Today I am writing about the 5 things I want to have happen before I die.
  1. Sky dive
  2. Have somebody that secretly loves me tell they love me
  3. Have someone that did something bad to me from long ago apologize
  4. Go to Ireland
  5. Swim with the sharks

Friday, April 24, 2009

Should we be able to talk on our cell phones while driving

I honestly think that it would be okay as long as you are paying attention to the road and being a safe driver you should be able to use it. Like if there was somewhere you need to be and you need to get directions I think that would be okay if you were still being a good driver. Maybe if the person was under 18 years old and had a blue tooth it would be a better idea then one that you have to hold. This is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Since today is Earth Day we were supposed to tell you about the ways my family is doing to save the Earth. My family and I are taking 1 hour and tuning off all the electric currents in our house. Even though there is more we could do this is a big sacrifice for my sisters.(I could care less.) This is also a big sacrifice for my dad and mom. I am also recycling the pop cans my family throws away. Another thing I do is ride my bike during the summer and spring or whenever it is supposed to be warm outside.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend F.U.N.

This weekend I went to a carnival for a school that my friend goes to. Then I went to get flowers after the big rain storm that lasted more than two days. The color of the flowers were white, red, and pink. I chose the white and red ones then my girly little sisters and mom had to get pink. It all worked out though because then my dad bought some blue ones for my mom so we planted them as well.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Favorite Movie

Today we were asked to write a post about our favorite movie and why we like it. So my favorite movie is Titanic because it is a timeless romantic about Rose, a rich woman that falls in love with Jack, a poor man that won the boat tickets by winning a game of poker. The problem is that Rose is engaged by an arranged marriage. Towards the end the boat runs into an ice berg and starts to sink but because Jack loves Rose he lets her use a door to lay on and he waits in the water. When the people finally find them Rose is alive, but when Rose tries to wake him up, he has died of hypothermia.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Websites

We were told to do a post about what most common websites we use. So here are mine.
-Yahoo (I use it to check my email, horoscope and latest news)
-Google (I use this when my mom and I need to be sure on something)
-Youtube (I use this website when I want to watch something funny)
-My blog ( I use this when my teacher tells me to write a post)
-Craigslist (I use this to look at what people are trying to sell)
-Wikipedia (To look up info. on something)


Today in blogging we are doing a post about our mom or dad and what we admire about them. I decided to talk about my dad and what I admire about him. First, I love that my dad takes me on fun camping trips and always is up for a new challenge, I wish I was like that. Second, he always goes after what he wants and never gives up. Third, I know that he will always be reliable and will never let me down. In conclusion, my dad is a fun and exciting person and I think that he is amazing.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break

So I haven't posted in a while but I am back and I am better than ever. Over spring break I stayed at my grandparents house with my aunt and we ended up losing power 3 days in a row because of the ongoing blizzard. I became bored around about Wednesday so I went to check cows with my grandpa. There were 2 brand new caves and we didn't want t lose the cute baby caves so we brought it into a barn nearby. It was my job to get out of the pick-up and grab the calf while my grandpa moved the momma away from her calf. Then we had to tag the calf. After we got the caves tagged and into the barn we fed the cows dark greenalfalfa. When we were done feeding the cows we went back to the caves and had to feed them also. When I was feeding them the tongues of the caves were licking me and it felt like I was being licked by sand paper. They were soooo cute!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cute Cat

This is a picture I edited in Photoshop if you can't tell what it is, it is a cat with a green hat on and you need to get your eyes checked if you can't tell what it is.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2 Different Products

Today I am going to compare two types of Wii games. The Wii Play and the Wii Fit.

With the Wii Fit.

  • Fun new games
  • Use different skills
  • Unlock new games

  • You don't always win
  • Hard games skills With the Wii Play.


  • The games are fun
  • There is a good variety for different skills
  • All the games use different skills


  • After you unlock all the games you can't unlock anymore
  • There are not that many games
  • They get boring after a while
Overall the Wii Fit is more fun in my opinion and the Wii Play gets boring.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This is an awesome backround that I edited in Photoshop.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Majorly fun

The last thing that I did that was majorly fun was when I went to a friends house and her brother had a friend over then we ended up watching movies with them all night. Then in the morning we went to this show in a near by town. Then my friend and I went shopping for swim suits in Target. After that I we went to her house and got ready for a hangout at a near by coffee shop with lots of our friends.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

GPS in kids' cell phones

Today I was asked if I liked the idea about GPS in kids' cell phones and I was kind of offended by the idea. I mean sure it would be a good idea for a 9-11 year old but for a 13-17 year old it is ridiculous. If you do not trust them then you have some major trust issues. As a parent you are you supposed to trust your kids and by putting this GPS in their phones it shows that you don't trust them, in result your son/daughter could end up hating you for the rest of your life. So a tip for the parents that read this if your kids are 9-11 use it when you really need it. Fine. If you don't need it then don't use it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Favorite Food

Cherry Cheesecake
Found in local grocery store.
Jell-o No bake Cherry Cheesecake
  1. Dump the gram cracker mix into a 9 in. round pan with 2 Tbsp. of sugar

  2. Mix all the dry ingredients with a fork

  3. Melt 5 Tbsp. of butter and dump it into the pan

Pat the wet gimcracks with a large spoon or measuring cup

    Then take the 2nd sack and dump into a medium sized bowl add 1- and a half cups of milk to the dry powder mix on low for 30 sec. then on high for 3 min.

Once done mixing put into the pan along with the gram crackers refrigerate for 1 hour

  1. After refrigerating take the 3rd sack with the cherry filling and apply onto the cream cheese filling (Optional)

Finished Product

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Day


  1. You get lots of candy
  2. You get to show the person you like that you like them
  3. Cookies
  4. Parties
  5. Fun games


  1. One of my boyfriends dumped me on V-Day
  2. Everyone says " I love you" all the time and I hate when people use V-Day as an excuse to say that
  3. Everyone gets very sad if they don't get anything
  4. Every time I get a flower from my mom but it never fails that I get my hopes up that it is from someone that likes me
  5. I am in Student Council so every V-Day and we sell a ton of Valentines it is so clustered after recess and when we deliver it takes a lot of time

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Disney Character

I would have to say that I am most like Mulan because I a very independent young women and I would do anything to save my dad and in that I think he would save me too. I would go out of my way to save anyone. I am very considerate of everybody and I will be there for my best friends.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Favorite President

Today's post is about our favorite president. So I would have to say my favorite president would be George Washington because he is the first president and he decided to make America a country. He also decided to lead it. H e also wrote part of the Declaration Of Independence. I also like that he had wooden teeth.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Likes and dislikes

I like:
  1. Books
  2. Food
  3. Candy
  4. Movies
  5. Morning showers

I dislike:

  1. Horses
  2. Snickers
  3. Double Bubble gum
  4. Very perky people
  5. Annoying little siblings

Friday, January 30, 2009

My favorite teacher ever

My favorite teacher ever was my second grade teacher. She was amazing, kind hearted and sensitive. She was always nice and never yelled. She was also very strict but never mean. She always said that she would be there for me if anything ever happened to me. She was very sad when I moved to Colorado. Then about a year later I went to visit her and she didn't even recognize me. Then when she was told it was me she started crying and said it was good to see me.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I love you

I love all the love songs by Secondhand Serenade, like the songs " I hate this song", "The last song ever", "Like a knife" and "Goodbye". Their band is awesome and I love it. My locker has a ton of pictures of the lead singer.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Awesome B-Day Party

If I could have an awesome birthday party I would have all my friends come to my party. I would go the nearest Aquarium and swim with the sharks and other sea life. I would have a huge cake that had my favorite character on it.......... Scooby-Doo and Shaggy.................. It's actually Fred. When I was a little girl I told everyone I knew that I was going to marry him when I got older. I do not want to marry him anymore. Surprised?............... I know right. I think that it would be fun to go swimming with sharks because then you don't know what is going to happen next. I like adventure because there is a shark right next to you.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Yo, I hate people who hate people so I guess I hate me. I am also in love with Secondhand Serenade. I love the song "I hate this song" by Secondhand Serenade. Surprised, I wouldn't be.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Hello welcome to my blog. I absolutly love roxs JKJK. I am also in love with orange juice. So ya welcome to my blog and I hope you like it.